Activities for Holiday Fun with Your Kids

Shandra Martinez

| 3 min read

Cute 5 years old girl making cookies for Christmas with her mom.
Children can be the secret ingredient that make holidays magical. When seeing things from their perspective, everything around the holidays seems more exciting. Whether it is putting up the decorations or wrapping gifts, kids have a way of building up a sense of anticipation around the holidays, and it can be delightfully contagious.
While kids are usually there to lend a hand with any holiday preparations, it’s good to set aside some activities that are just for them. This can be part of a regular holiday tradition for your family, or just special bonding time for parents and children during the hustle and bustle of the season. Here are some ways you can create holiday fun for your kids.
Board games. Lots of families have game nights, but when you plan one during the holidays, make sure to give it a festive twist. To start, let your children pick their favorite game to play. Then set a dress code. Maybe everyone gathers around a table dressed in their funniest holiday sweater or wears their holiday PJs and fuzzy slippers. Just want to accessorize? Invite the players to wear a Santa hat or elf ears while they play. You can put out holiday-themed snacks and mix up a batch of kiddie cocktails served in fancy glasses with little straws.
Drive to see holiday lights. This is a great after-dinner family activity during the holidays. Everyone can get comfy in the vehicle. Tune into your favorite holiday music and pass out some special snacks. Drive around neighborhoods near you or head to your closest city. Cruise slowly past areas with great yard and home decorations. Let kids put down their windows to listen if they spy any singing decorations that are motion-activated.
Making holiday decorations. Combine a walk outside with a trip to your local craft aisle or dollar store and you’ve got the makings for lots of holiday decorations. Start by taking kids for a nature walk in the woods or a nearby park. Give them each a small bag to carry the treasures they find: pinecones, small pieces of pine bough, some crispy leaves and dried grasses. They can arrange their finds in a bowl or basket at home. To make it fancy, find some small battery-operated candles at the store and let them make little centerpieces for the table.
Holiday baking. Usually you don’t have to ask twice when it comes to getting kids to help create special desserts for the holidays. This year, try letting them pick which cookie or goodie they want to help make first. Then, let them select a plate or tin to display it in. They’ll feel a sense of pride when it’s time to serve it to the family.
Special story time. Young children love being read to, but if your kids are a bit older or maybe are avid, independent readers, let them pick out a holiday story to read to a younger relative, or even a grandparent or great-grandparent. If your family is remaining socially distant for the holidays, the children can read the story over the phone, or via an online video chat.
Photo credit: Getty

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