Monica Drake

Monica Drake is a communications specialist within Corporate Affairs for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. She is a mental health advocate, working to raise awareness about suicide and help erase the stigma associated with mental illness. Follow her journey on her website at
Health and Wellness

How Change – Even Good Change – Affects My Anxiety

Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake writes about one of the biggest triggers for her anxiety -- change -- as she prepared to get married.

Health and Wellness

This Suicide Prevention Month, I Remember.

Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake writes about what Suicide Prevention Month means to her and why.


How I Protected My Mental Health While Dating

Since the unknown is one of the biggest triggers for my anxiety, it’s no wonder that dating had such an effect on me.

Monica Drake's two cats

How My Pets Helped My Mental Health 

Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares how her pets have helped her mental health.

Monica Drake panic attack

What Does it Feel Like to Have a Panic Attack?

Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares her experience with panic attacks, and talks about the strategies that help her manage them.

Monica Drake

How My Anxiety Weighs on My Decision to Have Children

Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares how her anxiety has affected her feelings on having a family in the future.

Monica Drake poses for a photo in her gym.

I Always Hated Exercise – Until I Saw How Much it Helped My Anxiety

Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares how starting an exercise routine has helped her manage her anxiety.

Monica Drake

Here is What I Did When Life Felt Pointless

Contributor and mental health advocate Monica Drake shares how she managed her feelings when life felt pointless — and how she got help.

Monica Drake - Heart Health Month

Taking Care of Your Heart and Mental Health Go Hand-in-Hand

Writer and mental health advocate Monica Drake offers a reminder for American Heart Month that taking care of your mental health is good for your heart.

Monica Drake reads at home with her cat.

How Access to Diverse Stories Would Have Helped Me in High School

Monica Drake shares how reading books from diverse perspectives has helped her as an adult — and imagines how they could have helped her when she was younger.

Monica Drake poses for a photo wearing a Happy New Year hat

New Year Doesn’t Have to Mean ‘New You’

Contributor Monica Drake dispels the myth that entering the new year has to mean changing yourself — and offers advice on how to increase self-confidence.

woman poses in a Santa hat while feeling sad with the holiday blues

Advice for Coping with Holiday Blues

Contributor Monica Drake shares what you can do if the holidays aren’t feeling so joyful right now.

Monica Drake and her fiance dressed up for Halloween

How Horror Films Helped Me with My Anxiety

Contributor Monica Drake writes about how scary movies — along with mental health treatment — have helped counteract her anxiety.

Woman sits alone with her cell phone

Crisis Lifelines Make a Difference to Someone Considering Suicide

Contributor Monica Drake writes about how crisis lifelines can help someone experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Man walks with his teenage son to talk about mental health

Monica Drake: Check in on Your Child’s Mental Health

Contributor Monica Drake writes about why it's so important to check in your child's mental health — and to get them help if they need it.

Two men stare at each other lovingly during their wedding ceremony

Youth Suicide Rates In LGBTQ+ Community Decrease Since Legalization of Gay Marriage

Contributor Monica Drake shares a personal story from a friend who came out as gay; and how the legalization of gay marriage affected his outlook.

Monica Drake

How Mental Health Care Changed My Life

Monica Drake, writer and mental health advocate, shares her mental health journey. “You are not alone in this. Millions of others, including me, are with you.”

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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