Angela Moore

Angela T. Moore is an integrative health expert, keynote speaker, radio personality, and business owner. She's a NASM Master Trainer, Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) and Fitness Nutrition Specialist (FNS) through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is also a nationally certified counselor (NCC) and a Limited Licensed Professional Counselor (LLPC). Go to for Angela’s daily tips for a healthier, happier life.
Health and Wellness

What I Learned By Shifting to a Different Mirror

integrative health expert, keynote speaker, radio personality, and business owner. She's a NASM Master Trainer, PAngela T. Moore explains the different types of workouts available and how you can decide which one is best for you.


How to Choose the Right Workout for You

Angela T. Moore explains the different types of workouts available and how you can decide which one is best for you.

Woman with a heavy weight doing a dead lift

Reduce Your Load if The Weight is Too Heavy

Licensed therapist, NASM master trainer and integrative health expert Angela T. Moore shares signs you're carrying too much weight — mentally and physically.

Angela Moore in her office

Tips for Highly Productive People: How to Know When to Rest

Licensed therapist, NASM master trainer and integrative health expert Angela T. Moore shares how to know when it's time to take a break from work and rest.

Angela Moore

The Moment I Decided to Stop Being a Victim

Licensed therapist, NASM master trainer and integrative health expert Angela T. Moore shares her personal journey through trauma.

Angela Moore

Are You Physically and Mentally Fit?

Licensed therapist, NASM master trainer and integrative health expert Angela T. Moore discusses the importance of talking about mental fitness.

Angela Moore acts as her own health advocate

Be Your Own Health Advocate

Being an advocate for health is not only important on the field, on the track, in the arena, or on the court; it is even more important in our daily lives.

Angela Moore poses in front of a boxing ring

Trauma is Like a Sucker Punch to the Kidneys

Contributor Angela Moore shares a story of how she was sucker punched while kickboxing — and how it reminds her of how trauma impacts the body and mind.

Woman sitting on the beach looking at the sunset

Angela T. Moore: Heal From a Place of Health, Not Hurt!

Angela Moore reflects on her journey to healing and how she overcame using her past as an excuse.

Woman stretches her legs in front of her laptop

Angela T. Moore: Do Not Get Stressed About Working Out 

Health expert and counselor Angela T. Moore shares tips to change our mindset around exercise to view it as a privilege, not a burden.

Body Positive Asian Indian man running on treadmill monitored by fitness instructor timing

Angela T. Moore: I May Be a Woman, But I Care About Men’s Health! 

How can you encourage the men in your life to take their health more seriously, as well as support their health journey?

Side View Of A Happy Young Businesswoman Doing Push Up At Workplace

Busy? Yes! Believe It Or Not, You Can Be Healthy Too!

Angela T. Moore, certified therapist and fitness coach, offers tips for finding ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle even when you are busy.

Sitting with the worries of an uncertain future

Are You Willing to Reveal Your Wounds So That You Can Heal?

Don’t be afraid to reveal your wounds so that you can heal. You have the resilience and the strength to not only heal but also thrive in your life.

Women in private session with female instructor

Spring into Health this Spring!

Spring is the perfect season to spring into health. You can do it with these three simple steps.

Curvy friends walking home after fitness exercise

How to Become the Healthiest You in 2022

Everyday strategies to become healthy and happy this year!

A person wearing a parka coat sits on a wall looking out at the sea

The Telephone Call That Changed My Life Forever

And why you MUST be mindful of mental health.

Two friends jogging up the trails in the forest to get fit in the middle of December!

Don’t Take a Holiday from Your Health During the Holidays!

The holidays are the perfect reason in the season to ramp up and increase your healthy lifestyle efforts.

Feeling alone and abandoned during christmas holiday

Help! I Feel Sad During the Holidays 

While the holiday season is often a time for celebration and family gatherings, for many the holiday season is a time of sadness and despair.

I like my weights heavy and my squats low

Want to Live a Healthier Lifestyle?  

The most important thing you can do when striving to live a healthy lifestyle is to create environments that support healthy actions.

A multi-ethnic family (mother, father, son, daughter) getting exercise by going for a jog at the park.

Back to Work and Back to School: It’s the Perfect Time to Focus on Well-being

As kids return back to school, parents can take action to ensure the health and well-being of their children at home and at school.

Father and son, home exercising

What Are You Willing to Do for the People You Love?

The reality is that integrating healthy lifestyle habits and maintaining those habits is the best gift that you can give yourself and those that you love.

Brazilian woman body positive exercising in nature.

What’s Your Motivation for Weight Loss?  

If you are motivated to be healthy, you will not only look good, but you will also feel good and enjoy the many benefits of a healthier life.

Motivated strong sporty lady performing the alternating waves exercise with battle ropes at the gym

Suffering From “Quarantine 15” Or “The Covid 19”? Move It To Lose it!

The key is to move the body in an effective way. Ideally, you want to move your body in a way that promotes a healthy body as well as a healthy body image.

A mother exercises with her young son inside their home. She is teaching the boy the importance of a healthy lifestyle by proper stretching and exercising.

Find Your ‘Why’ For Living a Healthy Life

Angela T. Moore, certified therapist and fitness coach, explains how to find your 'why' for living a healthy life. The answers will fuel your motivation.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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