Olivia Durkee

Olivia Durkee is a Corporate Communications Intern at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. She is a rising senior at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor studying Communications and Media. She enjoys hiking, reading, crocheting and camping in her free time.
Male and female friends walk together between classes in college.

Top 5 Red Flags in Friendships

Recognizing and addressing the red flags in a friendship can be crucial to your mental and physical well-being. Start an open dialogue with your friend if you encounter these five red flags.


10 Healthy and Fun Michigan-Inspired Snacks for Your Kids

Activities with children – whether playing in the backyard or exploring your community – are never complete without snack time. Here are some tasty, healthy snacks that will keep your little ones energized throughout the day.

Olivia Durkee

Why I Started Hiking for Mental Clarity

Contributor and summer intern Olivia Durkee shares how hiking has helped her mental health and become an outlet for her stress.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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