Flu Season

Flu Season

Parents: The Flu Shot Is For You, Too

The more members of your family who receive the flu shot, the greater the effect the vaccine has on your household. Here's how you protecting yourself can actually help protect others.

Little boy showing off his handwashing technique
Flu Season

Are You Washing Your Hands the Right Way?

Germs are spread when you touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, so it's important to wash them the right way. Especially during flu season.

Flu Season

The Flu Shot: Still Your Best Bet

It’s easy to assume that if you didn’t get the flu shot last year and didn’t get sick, there’s no need to get one this year. But that's one of a few common misconceptions surrounding the flu shot. We address those here.

Man lying on the couch with a high fever checks a thermometer
Flu Season

Unexpected Side Effects of Having a High Fever

Fevers are a normal immune response to infection, but high fevers can be problematic and can have some unexpected side effects. Here's what you need to know.

Shot of a young businesswoman blowing her nose while texting on a cellphone in an office
Flu Season

5 Things to Stock Up on For Cold and Flu Season 

Chances are, you’ll catch a cold or the flu this year. Here are some things to stock up on before the symptoms start.

Are Flu Outbreaks Connected to Weather Patterns?  
Flu Season

Are Flu Outbreaks Connected to Weather Patterns?  

It’s a misnomer that cold temperatures cause the flu, but temperatures and humidity can exacerbate the severity of it and cause it to spread.

Young woman getting a flu shot
Flu Season

It’s Not Too Late to Get Your Flu Shot  

The current flu vaccine may not be as effective against the flu as experts hoped it would be, but that doesn’t mean you should skip it.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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