

Health Benefits of Using a Sauna

Superheated environments like saunas have physical and mental health benefits.


How Your Gut Health Affects Your Mental Health

How does your brain keep connected to your gut, and what does it mean for your mental health?


Exercises for Joint Health

Want to keep moving well as you age? Remember to exercise your joints.


Fighting Breast Cancer With Food

Healthy eating cannot completely prevent every kind of disease and illness. However, a balanced diet featuring these five foods can help fight against breast cancer.


What is Intuitive Eating?

When you eat intuitively, you listen to your body. You trust it to let you know when you are full and satisfied. You also reject the new fad diet of the month. Here are the benefits and risks.


How Does Alcohol Affect My Sleep?

Booze before bed may seem like an OK way to help you doze off quickly. But the tradeoff is usually fragmented sleep, wakefulness and a very groggy day after.


Health Benefits of Yoga

Next time you strike a pose and hold it, know that you’re improving your health in lots of ways.


A Healthy Diet for People with Alzheimer’s

Can what you eat slow down age-related cognitive decline or early signs of Alzheimer’s?


How I Stay Healthy in College

School is back and so is the juggling act that comes with life on campus for college students. BCBSM'S 2023 corporate communications interns recently shared their diet, exercise and self-care regimens.

Jozlynn Blankenbaker poses for a photo on the Wayne State University campus.

The Power of a Routine in College

Having trouble staying organized at school? Adding structure to our lives can bring out the best versions of ourselves. Here's what a routine-oriented approach can offer.


How to Choose the Right Workout for You

Angela T. Moore explains the different types of workouts available and how you can decide which one is best for you.

People doing skin care routine

Are These Social Trends Harming Your Skin?

Can beef tallow really help improve your skin? Does a jade roller really give you a glow? To help separate skincare fact from fiction, we’ll uncover if these trending hacks actually work.

Man worried for alopecia checking hair for loss

What is Alopecia? 

For a lot of people, sudden hair loss can be traumatic. Here are the causes of alopecia, and how it can be treated.

Doctor or psychiatrist consulting and diagnostic examining stressful woman patient on obstetric - gynecological female illness, or mental health in medical clinic or hospital healthcare service center

Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Cervical Health  

The next time you talk to your doctor, don’t forget to ask questions about cervical health, and factors that might put you at risk for cancer.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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